We Strive to be the Best

We strive to be the best, not the biggest, in our field. We work hard to serve our clients’ best interests through careful planning and deliberate action. You’ll always know the reasons behind our recommendations and feel comfortable before moving forward.

Who We Are

Founded in 2021, Power 5 Financial has grown to include financial advisors from across the great state of Texas and the country. We have years of collective experience, helping us deliver trusted advice grounded in real-life experience. Our firm works in collaboration with &Partners and Fidelity, bringing our clients industry-leading tools, technology, and know-how

Three team members of Power 5 Financial around a table in their Tyler, Texas offices

Our Core Values

Johnston-Strnadel group logo with & partners logo
Johnston Wealth Management logo
Shick Wealth Management logo with updated &partners log
M Bennett financial group logo with &partners logo
West financial Group logo with & partners logo
Hampton Lanham Group financial advisors logo

Broker Check Logo